I have been told a lot in the past few months that I have a good Daddy energy. I was dismissive at first, but when more than a few people say something in a pretty short time its best to start paying attention, so I did. Its been fascinating and a very moving experience at times. I have learned a lot about the BDSM community, myself and the world in general.
There was a post today on Fetlife that just about sums it up perfectly. Im not going to credit the author, I dont have permission and dont know him well enough to ask for it. But here it is:
I wish I had a nickel for every time someone, in the BDSM lifestyle mind you, made a comment along the lines of "the Daddy/girl thing is just creepy". Every time I hear it I want to tell them to fuck off.
I find child molesters abhorrent. Being a Daddy isn't about some sick child molestation fantasy or disgusting incestuous fantasy. I am a real father and a damn good one. If someone ever mentioned my daughter to me in a sexual way I would likely beat them into a squishy mess.
Being a Daddy is about a building a bond with someone. A bond so deep and so unique that anything less seems like a pale imitation. It is about a sincere desire to help them become the person they want to be.
It is about setting rules and expectations, not to simply punish them for breaking them but because you want them to actually learn something from the rules and expectations.
It is about listening to their aspirations, their hopes, their dreams, their fears, their pain. It is about genuinely caring about all of these.
It is about teaching. It is about being the solid rock that they can cling to when the sea of life is filled with storms.
It is simply about showing them that they are loved, unconditionally. That no matter what rules are broken, no matter what punishments have been delivered, you will always be there to pick them back up and put your arms around them and kiss the tears away.
To me, this is dead on. And if you happen to be in a sexual relationship with the person you also have a Daddy relationship with, there is nothing wrong with that either. Fantasies are very powerful and sensual things. I honestly believe I could murder a child molester and sleep well that night but age/Daddy/Incest play all hold great fascination for me. I have punched people in the face for using racist terms around me but a week or so ago I learned about Race play and the extent to which it went and I find it intriguing also.
In short, people shouldnt be so judgmental. I fail to see any logic at all in inferring what someone is like based on what they like. People who do that miss out on meeting a lot of good friends.
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