Monday, September 23, 2013


I did something today that I normally wouldnt do.

I was at a gas station and when I pulled in I was grumpy and in a bad space, I just wanted to sit still for a while and it wasnt happening in the immediate future, not by a long shot. I noticed a very pretty woman unbuckling a kid from the back of a minivan and heading into the gas station, I think I admired her thighs and thats about it.

I got inside and bought a snack for the road and was paying for my gas when I heard the woman ask for $5 on the pump she was at. She was driving an older model minivan, she had a kid in it and was only buying $5 in gas, it was clearly all she could afford. I didnt even think about it, after she left I talked to the clerk and had him add an extra $20 on to the pump for her. He did and I walked out and told her the pump wasnt going to stop at $5 but was going to $25 and she and her little girl should enjoy the gas with a ride somewhere. She immediately looked at me mike I was some sort of creep or rapist and I could see her forming an escape plan in her mind so I backed off a few steps and said "Its OK, I just paid for you some extra gas. Have a good day and be safe".

Well, she started crying right there and gave me a hug. Unexpected. But I held her for a second and let her cry on me and when she pulled away I told her she was welcome and left. Immediately I felt better about myself, my day and my life.

I went on to give a new friend a few 10 gallon aquariums I had and her husband went into the truck and gave me some apple orchard honey from their bees. It smells amazing and I bet its going to be magical in some hot tea. Leaving there, I was right by an old friends house whom I havent seen in way too long, so I stopped by. Much laughter and conversation and reconnecting happened, it was a beautiful thing. Somewhere along in here I read a response from a small email I had sent which led to meeting a new friend and having an epic hours long conversation with her via text, Gchat, email and Fetlife mail. It was very nice. Later, I went to the bank and to get gas for the wife in her car and on the way home I drove by a neighborhood bar and saw the car of a friend that I havent talked to in way too long. I Uturned and parked and went in and she and I spent about a half hour talking and catching up and laughing, that was very cool.

A lot of good stuff happened after I helped that woman out. Im wondering if it would have happened anyway or did I help it happen by putting some good out to the universe? It could go either way, I think. Im not sure if I believe in karma or not, but I definitely respect the ideas of those who do and fully admit it could go either way.

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