Wednesday, September 25, 2013


This is a post about my grandmother. It started out as a chat I had with a wonderful new person in my life and I realized I have been wanting to talk about my grandma here for a long time. You guys didnt know her and you missed out because of that. Here is my post about her:

My grandma was my rock.
She raised me and was the only one who truly loved me. I can say that because I have solid evidence but its not something I can share with people. Maybe two or even three people in my entire life have that story.

My grandma called me once and asked me to come see her. I quit my job and flew(!) to see her. I dont fly. I hate it. If I was gonna die and the cure was a plane ride away I would drive
but for her, I flew.

We spent a week together. I did my stuff during the day while she slept off pain drugs and meds, but at 6pm every night we made iced tea and met on the porch and talked. We talked of her life, my life, everything. I told her everything I ever wanted to, she told me everything she needed to.

The day before I flew home we went to a BBQ joint. South Carolina is famous for its BBQ joints and this was one of the best. I was invited to tour the kitchen, she got cold while I was back there and went outside, where she stepped off the curb and broke her hip. I feel terrible guilt about that to this day at times. I should have been there.

I quit another job and delayed my return three days while she had hip replacement surgery. I got her settled to my satisfaction and came back to Indiana. One week later I was on a plane again to go to her funeral.

She knew. She knew she was going to die and called me, I went and I am forever glad I did.
When she died, the rest of the bio family died with her, at least to me they did. My chosen family here is what I have now. My wife and poly partners. My BDSM family. You know who you are and I fucking love every one of you. Yes, even you, asshole.

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