Saturday, May 16, 2015

I hate country concerts

I hate country concerts. In my job as a security guard, way over 90% of the time I have to lay my hands on someone its at a country concert. And its always the same person. Overly tight t-shirt wearing white trash who wants to impress whatever skank of the day he is with by being a man and fighting the guards and cops. Protip: If you start a fight with a cop, there is only one possible way that fight will end. You in handcuffs and legal trouble. If you start a fight with a guard at a country concert, its the same thing because there are cops all over the place who are bored and want something to do, and busting your dumb ass is high on their list of fun activities.

Tonight was the first show of the year out at Klipsch, and it was a country show. Lady Antebellum and a couple of other acts. I was put in a new spot this year, I started out backstage and then went to the first aid gate. The first aid gate is where, you guessed it, the first aid station is and also where the processing area for arrestees is. So Im standing at a gate all night making sure no one comes through without a pass and looking out for my coworkers as they bring drunk or otherwise in trouble people through the gate to the processing area.

Everything was going nicely, it was a fairly slow night. Then it happened. I saw a couple of yellow shirts escorting a white trash guy towards me. I opened the gate a little wider to make it easier for them to get through and gave a heads up to the officer near me. Even then it was OK, the guy wasnt fighting, he was just loud. Then about 10 feet short of the gate he started throwing hands. Time for overwhelming force to keep him from hurting himself or someone else.

I hit him from the left, a sheriffs officer hit him from the right and a coworker had ahold of one of his arms. For some reason he let go of that arm and all I saw was a big ass elbow coming right at my eye. I rocked my head back and took the elbow in the upper lip and grabbed the guys arm and wrapped it up in mine like I was taught to, then saw that the sheriff had the guys other arm behind him. The skank of the day then charged in and started yelling "No!" really loudly, like that was going to help anything. Someone grabbed her and we marched white trash back to the holding area where he was properly arrested, along with skank.

An EMT was there and insisted on looking at my lip, it wasnt even bleeding. It just feels a bit tender and swollen right now. My coworker was apologetic for letting go of the arm, he said he thought the sheriff was going to taze the guy and he didnt want to get shocked, so I cant be mad at him. All in all it was 2 minutes of sheer adrenaline in the middle of a night of otherwise pleasant times. Im working all next week at the Motor Speedway for the Indy 500 and expect it to be much calmer and quieter.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Went to church today and other thoughts...

Amy and I got out for our first ride of the year today. It was very badly needed and even though we didnt really have the money we decided to just do it. We needed the time together and the soul cleansing that rides and walks in nature give us. Going out in the woods or to a nature park is to me like going to church. I love nature and it refills my soul to be out and about and among it now and then.

I picked out a park a while back that we both liked and we wound up there today. We stopped and got ice cream on the way and it tasted delicious, and then we made our way through all the traffic to McCloud Nature Park in nearby Hendricks county. We walked two trails and part of another one, it was quite a hike.

We both took lots of pictures and saw a lot of cool stuff. There was a huge Pileated Woodpecker, but he was too fast to get a picture of. I was at a bit of a disadvantage, my best lens for the Canon camera I have has given up the ghost and picture taking today was rough with the long lens I have. Its a Canon lens but its a 75-300 and the closest it will focus is around 6 feet. The fact that its a long lens and also not a very good one also washes out the color a lot and plays havoc with the autofocus.

That said, I did manage to get a few good pictures, which I will share here.Click on the pictures to embiggen them :)
Here is a rather nice picture of a water strider I was lucky to get. He was darting around on a calm bit of water in a stream, there were a few others and a couple of minnows swimming about also.

This is one of a great number of bluebells we saw. Bluebells are about my favorite wildflower, the ones that havent bloomed yet are very pretty I think.

This is an amazing tree near the nature center in the park. I was really drawn to this tree, it had some sort of energy that is hard to explain. It just felt...right...that this tree was right there.

This is the view from the 100 year old bridge in the park. The shale cliffs were amazing, you could literally see backwards in time as you looked down the sides. I wanted to go look for fossils, but the only good cliffs were on the wrong side of the river and very steep, so there was no way to get down to them.

Its springtime in Indiana. The trees are busting out all over. I was about 15 feet away from this branch when I took this shot, I didnt even see the ant until I looked at the picture.

All in all it was a very good ride and a very good day with the woman I love. A day of reconnection for me, both to her and to nature. I needed it very badly and am happy that we got to go.

In other news, the fishtank continues to thrive. Plans for future fish have been put on hold, as Amy lost her job and I havent been getting hardly any hours lately. That situation is about to change though, and once a lot of other stuff is taken care of I have plans for two more tanks. Thats going to be my limit for a while, Im looking forward to having them. I have grown very fond of my albino catfish, and the bumblebee catfish have settled in enough that they come out to be seen once in a while. The betta likes to hide a lot, Im looking forward to giving him his own tank, likely a 5.5 gallon tank with maybe an algae eater or two and some gravel and a nice hiding spot. The other tank is going to be a 55 gallon tank which I already have and need some more equipment to run properly. All the current fish will go in there and be added to and then the 26 gallon will have something new in it, Im not sure what yet.

The rest of life is somewhat of a mess. Job issues, depression issues, issue issues, I have been a bit of a mess for a while now. I think Im starting to pull out of the downward spiral, at least I hope so. Im going to see the therapist I was going to a while back again and get back into therapy. Im also going to rekindle a few relationships with friends that I have let wither a bit and keep them going. I have a very good support network for when I am depressed, I just dont use it like I need to. That needs to change.

Thats about it for now...