Monday, February 15, 2016

New things...

Ive been having a good run with Uber lately. he money is good and I have been having a lot of interesting pasengers. I think Ive even made a friend or two.

Last night one of the Pacers got a ride with me. We went from the airport to his apartment building. I went around back to move some stuff so he could put a bag in the back of the van and stood next to him for a minute, this cat was a full head taller than I am. Im a big dude, Im not used to people making me feel short at all so I was rather amused by it. He was too. I moved the front seat all the way forward and he sat behind the passengers seat, he looked like a huge praying mantis folded in there. He was a nice guy, we talked a little and got him home safe.

Right before that, I picked up a very nice girl I have given a ride to once before. In fact, it was almost exactly 24 hours after I picked her up for the first time that I went to the same hotel and got her again to take home. She's very nice, I told her about the blog and we talked a lot on the way to her house, I gave her a business card and she said she would email me to see the blog, I'll probably share my Facebook too.

Remember a while back I ordered one of those broad spectrum light bulbs, the type that are used to help with SAD and the like? I put it in the lamp on my desk and I think its helping. I dont seem to be as depressed this winter, its not hitting me as hard. Im still pretty fucking tired of winter and want it to die in a fire, but not as badly as past winters. I think Im going to get another bulb and put it in the lamp beside the bed.

Im giving the fishtank a thorough cleaning. Ive had a couple of fish die, I think I neglected the tank for too long and the water got too bad for them. I feel badly about that and have resolved to either take better care of them or find them a new home. I have also adopted a Kenyan Sand Boa, she is doing well I suppose, she stays hidden most of the time. I need a bigger water dish for her, but I have someone somewhere.

There isnt much else going on. Im following the political happenings and am, as always, disgusted by the antics of the GOP. Im really hoping Trump doesnt get elected, I cant afford to move to another country :)


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I like the full spectrum light too. I have one in my desk lamp where I spend 8 hours a day and it seems to help me too. Remember that they need to be changed every couple of years or they lose their effectiveness, much like reptile lamps.

    Glad the Uber gig is working out for you!
